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Fast Iterative Development on Kubernetes with Telepresence - Cloud Native Tool #003

In this article, you will discover another cloud tool to improve your development workflow on Kubernetes: Telepresence. Telepresence helps us to develop and debug Kubernetes microservices locally and speed up...

Serverless Computing with AWS Lambda

Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources.

Building a Robust E-Commerce Platform with Onion Architecture

Another E-Commerce project used to learn and practice a wide range of best practices and tools.

Serverless with Knative and Istio on Kubernetes

Knative is an open source project that provides a set of building blocks for creating, deploying, and running serverless applications on Kubernetes. It includes components for building, serving, and scaling...

Continuous Delivery on Kubernetes with Argo CD - Cloud Native Tool #002

Argo CD is a continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It allows developers to define their application deployment infrastructure as code, and then uses that code to automate the deployment of...

Smart Home - My bachelor project

Smart Home 🏡 I developed a Smart House in miniature. I used a wide range of tools such as Node.js, WebSocket, Ionic, Angular, Swagger, MongoDB, Arduino, Python, Raspberry PI, Docker,...